Child Safety Policy

Last updated: September 2nd, 2024

Viberse is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and responsible environment for all users. While our platform is intended for individuals aged 17 or older, we recognize the importance of protecting young people, especially children and minors—defined as any person under the age of 17—from exploitation and abuse. This Child Safety Policy outlines our approach to ensuring a safe and secure community.

How Should You Post

Viberse strictly prohibits any content that depicts or promotes the exploitation or abuse of minors. This includes:
Child sexual exploitation
Child pornography
Content depicting physical, emotional, or psychological violence or abuse towards minors
Content that puts minors at risk, such as sharing personal information or encouraging dangerous activities
Inappropriate interactions between adults and minors, including grooming or solicitation
If your content fits any of the above descriptions, do not post it on Viberse. We will remove such content, and the responsible accounts may be temporarily suspended or permanently banned.
For more information on posting guidelines and appropriate behavior, please refer to our Community Guidelines

What Happens if Content Violates This Policy

We use human moderators to review and remove harmful content, particularly content that could endanger minors. The accounts responsible for such content may be temporarily suspended or permanently banned.

How to Report Violations

We encourage users to report any content or behavior that violates our Child Safety Policy. You can report violations to

How We Enforce

Viberse takes violations of our Child Safety Policy seriously. Users can report any content or behavior they believe endangers or exploits minors directly to
Our team will review the reports, and users who violate this policy may face the following consequences:
Content Removal: Immediate removal of content that violates this policy.
Account Suspension: Temporary suspension of accounts responsible for violations.
Account Termination: Permanent ban of accounts responsible for violations.
Legal Action: Referral of serious violations to appropriate legal authorities.

How We Protect Minors

Viberse is committed to protecting the privacy of all users, particularly in cases involving minors. If an underage user is identified, we will handle their data securely according to our Privacy Policy, which may include deleting their data.
We protect minors through the following measures:
Data Security: We ensure that all user data, especially that of minors, is handled securely. If an underage user is found on the platform, their data will be managed according to our Privacy Policy, which may include deletion of their data.
No Targeting of Minors: We do not target, profile, or collect data from users known to be under the age of 17.
Age Requirement: Viberse is exclusively for users aged 17 and older. We ask users to enter their birthday when they sign up our platform.
Reporting Underage Accounts: If you suspect someone under 17 is using Viberse, please report it to

Updates to This Policy

Our Child Safety Policy is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure the highest standards of safety and compliance. We will inform users of any significant changes.

How to Appeal

If you believe we made a mistake, you can submit an appeal at

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this policy or need further assistance, please contact us at